Wednesday, June 14, 2006

AMA takes a "significant shift" the WRONG direction

In what they described as a "significant shift", the American Medical Association today announced their support for a tax penalty for individuals and families who make enough to buy medical coverage but choose not to. (Read the Chicago Tribune article here).


Medical doctors have been underfire for the past several years for accepting rewards (financial and otherwise) from the pharmaceutical companies. Now the AMA is showing their allegiance to the insurance industry by supporting a tax on people who "choose not to" buy health insurnace.


The criteria for deciding who "chooses" to buy insurance is based solely on income, and completely ignores any possible extenuating circumstances that might arise.

The AMA blew it. Everyone knows that the American health care system is in shambles. Rather than taking a leadership role in fixing the problem, the AMA has simply chosen to dump the responsibility onto individual Americans.

BOTTOM LINE: Strong leaders don't pass the buck - they fix the problem.
