Friday, April 14, 2006

Putting Employees FIRST?!?

Is this guy nuts?!?

Vineet Nayar, president of India's 30,000-employee HCL Technologies, puts his employees FIRST and his customers SECOND.

Is this guy crazy?!?

Of course not - he's simply practicing effective leadership for today's global economy. The problem is - today's effective leadership style can seem insane to someone who is entrenched in yesterday's approaches.

This from an article from CNN:

"Employees who are secure and happy can better focus on customer success, [Nayar] thinks. So he aims to build an organization full of highly-skilled employees dedicated to creating customer value. He wants to make HCL, which employs 20 percent of its workforce overseas, the place people most want to work."

Click here to read the full article.

Here are other cutting edge leadership practices that Mr. Nayar has put into place:

$$. All results of every 360-evaluation for every employee can be accessed by every employee on the company's intranet. (Mr Nayar is on the right path here...even better would be to replace 360-evaluations with something even MORE effective (Email me for more information.)).

$$. Every employee can create an actionable "ticket" to address a problem they see in the company. And only that employee can close that ticket.

$$. Mr. Nayar is focused on providing the best service to his employees relative to every other company in India.

BOTTOM LINE: Tomorrow's Leaders will understand that employees should come FIRST and customers SECOND.