Friday, April 07, 2006

Balance?!? Bah!

Work/life balance.
Finding balance.
Seeking balance.

Okay,'s the news:

Balance is over-rated!

Try this simple exercise:

Where ever you are right now -- stand up.
Go to the center of the room you're in (so there's space to move).

Now, standing straight, try to move forward without shifting your weight.

Can you do it?

No! It's impossible!

It is a physical impossibility for us to move foreward without shifting our weight. And when we shift our weight foreward....we are off balance. Because we are holistic beings, this principle holds true in all areas of our lives: emotionally, mentally, physically & spiritually. The only way to remaining completely in balance is to stand perfectly still.

"Perfect stillnesss" is great for mystical contemplation, but....

Being off balance is what takes us places.

If you want to:

Accomplish anything great....
Be a more effective leader....
Deal more successfully with conflict...

...and so much more.....

You must be willing to be off balance (at least for awhile).

BOTTOM LINE: Nothing great in life ever came from staying in balance.