Friday, April 04, 2008

Contrarian Success ...

Successful leaders understand that following the "latest and greatest" is not always the pathway to success.

Take Craigslist for example.

According to this article from ClickZ, points out the Craigslist, an on-line classified ad website, is poised to make over 81 million dollars this year.

The article quotes Classified Intelligence Principal Peter Zollman describing Craigslist as "...looking at a Web site from 1996," but there's no sense in fixing something that isn't broken. "They could change the look and feel," he said. "But, for many people, that wouldn't be an improvement...It's a very dated look and that's the way they want to keep it."

So while so many other companies scramble to increase their on-line sales with the latest and greatest technology, the leadership of Craigslist clearly follow a contrarian position:

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."