Monday, November 20, 2006

Sometimes the customer is NOT always right

If the customer is always right, then the makers of both Playstation 3 and Nintendo Wii would have stocked a lot more games.....

...and gotten less publicity.

As large as these corporations are, it seems impossible to believe that they couldn't make accurate market forecasts. The reasonable conclusion to draw, then, is recognizing that "coming up short" is an effective marketing strategy.

Imagine how much it would cost to create a marketing campaign that almost everyone would be talking about. Far too much money.

Instead, by keeping distribution of these games relatively limited, these gamemakers have received extensive media coverage as the media talks about ...

... people waiting all night in lines.
... game consoles going for over 400% retail on ebay.
... the hue and cry over people not getting one.

BOTTOM LINE:Smart leaders know receiving media coverage that money can't buy is one brilliant reason to realize that the customer is not always right.
