Tuesday, June 13, 2006

All Work and No Play....


That time of year when many leaders will be spending time with friends, family and loved ones on vacation.

As a leader, do you put effort into scheduling your vacation or do you leave it to the last minute? Do you go places and do things on vacation that truly recharge your batteries, or do you fall prey to doing what you are 'supposed' to do or 'should' be doing?

Each and every leader is unique, and each and every one of us find ways to refresh and rejuvenate while on vacation. Planning a vacation that will top off your emotional tank takes as much care and planning as any effective business strategy.

Vacation is critical for leaders. Going without is an effective recipe for burnout - and a burned out leader is an ineffective leader.

BOTTOM LINE: Great Leaders devote as much attention to their down-time as they do their work.
